Thursday, December 26, 2019

[In Utero] a byline

An infant begins to first dream in utero, before it reaches the 38th week of full term, followed by the trauma of birth. It can be said that that initial dream remains embedded within the fetus, as it is born and becomes an infant, infant to toddler, toddler into the schematic age.

As they grow within the realm of victimhood, that jungle that surrounded childhood, this dream is nurtured with creativity, with concrete ideas. It is in this childhood, that the dream splinters the artist, sets them apart from other children. They are then removed from themselves, observe the interpersonal behavior of adults, become precocious and the child is then inane in comparison.

The succession of images are finite in the dream, some clear, some distorted, lost in a deeper chasm than the soul can ever burrow. Few moments of a reoccurring, haunting dream can be melancholic, treacherous, where in the day one seems to be at peace with the world, an unsettling shift of axis. The dream, if anything, is the reminder to not become complacent but to always remain in motion, always live myopic, that the loiter is the deadliest form of night terror.

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